Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Safety Day 2011

  • At fire safety I learned how to get out of the house when their is a fire. 
  • At first aid I learn to if you need help fast call 911 and if they say don't hang up you don't.
  • At farm safety I learned if there is a power line down don't go near it because you don't no if it has power still in it
  • At railroad safety don't play on the tracks, always walk your bike over the track, always take you head phones off, Never ever put anything on the tracks.
  • At Internet safety I learned that always say no! if someone said something like do you want to come and see my puppies that are in my car.
  • At chemical lookalike I learned that never smell or taste something if you don't no what it is.
  • At outdoor survival i learned that you should always have a bag with you if you go on a hike or your camping because you never no if you will get hurt because if you do get hurt and you don't have a kit then what would you do?

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